Je ne savais pas que Klaus Barbie avait eu des enfants.
Encore moins des petits enfants.
Mais maintenant je le sais.
Il y en a un qui est kiné à Rome.
Wahey! Knock me down with a feather... I understood the lot of that (4 sentences and I was there four years!). Probably helps that I had many the rant with many the kiné in them years about kinés in France! Otherwise I'd have been a bit stumped at the end...
‟The Major’s blog…it’s quite a blog” Honolulu Stateman ‟Bon comme de la crème de marron” Le Républicain Ardéchois ‟Tout simply, le best blog qui speaks deux languages” The Bilingual Inquirer
Wahey! Knock me down with a feather... I understood the lot of that (4 sentences and I was there four years!). Probably helps that I had many the rant with many the kiné in them years about kinés in France! Otherwise I'd have been a bit stumped at the end...
Bien vu, il y a meme des anglophones qui n'ont rien compris!!
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