The other day Madame Red, rosy cheeks and all, suggested we do something different. Something we had never tried in 6 years. Something that would spice things up a little bit.
Bingo, I said, when she tried to describe what it was all about. The idea, of course, was more than tempting.
So we went online to find a shop which sells the kind of things we needed. It came as no surprise that it was located in a back alley and we were both very intimated by what we saw –it’s fair to say that it was our first time in such a place.
- What would you use that for? she would ask.
- I have absolutely no idea, I would reply.
But then we managed to find what we needed and we came back home pretty excited.
And so we started working on our new thing which concretely meant that I got to comfortably lie down in our bed while Madame Red showed off her new acquisitions and made fantastic use of them.
Well, she should cook more often because her green curry was very tasty.
And spicy, too.
Bingo, I said, when she tried to describe what it was all about. The idea, of course, was more than tempting.
So we went online to find a shop which sells the kind of things we needed. It came as no surprise that it was located in a back alley and we were both very intimated by what we saw –it’s fair to say that it was our first time in such a place.
- What would you use that for? she would ask.
- I have absolutely no idea, I would reply.
But then we managed to find what we needed and we came back home pretty excited.
And so we started working on our new thing which concretely meant that I got to comfortably lie down in our bed while Madame Red showed off her new acquisitions and made fantastic use of them.
Well, she should cook more often because her green curry was very tasty.
And spicy, too.